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F 系列风机专用轴承疲劳测试

测试速度:3300rpm,5XSPB 皮带加大皮带张力


R8 密封结构





  • 100%音频振动检测

  • 特定风机游隙标准


  • 防松尼龙顶丝

  • 适配的电机脂 L02


  • 风机专用密封圈 R8

  • 轴承芯与轴承座的特定配合 JH7


FA 商用风机轴承

  • 100%音频振动检测

  • 特定风机游隙标准


  • 防松尼龙顶丝

  • 适配的电机脂 L02


  • 风机专用密封圈R8

  • 轴承芯与轴承座的特定配合 JH7


  • 坚固可靠的加强筋轴承座

  • 轴承芯材料采用精炼钢

FC 消防风机轴承


  • 工作温度可达300℃

  • 洛阳轴承研究所检测验证轴承寿命:

    每天8小时或长时间连续运转可达400-8701021h 以上

  • 100%音频振动检测

  • 特定消防风机游隙

  • 防松尼龙顶丝

  • 进口高温油脂 L15

  • 风机专用耐高温密封圈 R8

  • 轴承芯与轴承座的特定配合 JH7



F 组合密封倾力打造农用机械专属

R3 密封经受得住高粉尘、泥水的洗涤


F 组合密封

F 组合密封防水性能试验







在多家农业机械公司已经过实际验证, 使用效果得到一致好评

3 重密封性能

2 倍的润滑脂补充周期




R3 三重密封防水性能试验

R3 三重密封









轴承座上安装冲压盖,具有轴承和轴承座的2 重密封结构, 适用于各种尺寸和型号的带座轴承,安装简单方便;即使在尘埃、泥水 等严酷的使用条件下,也能确保轴承长时间的使用寿命

恶劣环境下,为不带冲压盖轴承座 3~5 倍的使用寿命

Dustproof, Waterproof and High Sealing

Daring to challenge the severe environment

Withstanding the impact of dust and mud

Striving to build the F combined seal specilly for agricultural machinery

Striving to build the F combined seal specilly for agricultural machinery

R3 seal withstanding the impact of heavy dust and mud

R3 seal withstanding the impact of heavy dust and mud

F Combined Seal

 F Combined Seal

F Combined Seal

 F Combined Seal Waterproof Performance Test

F Combined Seal Waterproof Performance Test

The steel frame and the outer ring are riveted together and the seal will not be loosened because of excessive grease injection or shock vibration.

3 sealing consist two steel plates and a rubber layer, effectively preventing the invasion of external dust.

The sealing effect is enhanced while keeping the same rotation speed.

Optimized the space design increases the storage space and keeps good sealing performance.

Grease supplement cycle is 2 times more compared with the ordinary products, which saves the bearing maintenance costs.

The external protection of Steel frame more effectively prevents the sealing rubber from damaging by straw and hard particles.

The application effect has been approved by several agricultural machinery companies.

3 Sealing Performance

2 Times Grease Supplement Cycle

No Affection for Ratation Speed

Sealing 2 Times Impact Resistance Strength

R3 Lips Seal

R3 Lips Seal

R3 Lips Seal Waterproof Performance Test

R3 Lips Seal Waterproof Performance Test

 R3 Lips Seal

R3 Lips Seal

With the best pressing force and bearing inner ring contact, three lips sealing strongly prevents the invasion of external dust and water and extends the service life of bearing.

Adapting to the severe environment for middle and low speed application.

The external protection of steel frame more effectively prevents mechanical damage for sealing performance.

3 Lips Sealing Performance

Under severe environment, the bearing with 3 lips sealing owns 2.5 times longer life than the one with normal sealing (rubber seal plus retaining ring)

Bearing Units with Stamping Cover

Through Type(TTC)

Through Type(TTC)

 One End Closed Type ( TEC )

One End Closed Type ( TEC )

Installed with the stamping cover, the housings own two sealing structures. It is applicable to bearing units with all kinds of sizes and specification. Moreover, the installation is easy and convenient. Even under the working conditions of dust, mud and other severe environment, it will ensure the long service life of bearings.

Under severe environment, the service life of the bearing units with stamping cover is 3~5 times longer.




农业机械长期暴露于粉尘、碎屑、 泥泞、雨水等环境中,持续整个作业 季度的振动及农作物的秸秆撞击;密 封件失效造成的污染物入侵或润滑脂 损失往往会导致农用轴承过早失效和 设备出现故障。


如剥皮机此类部位,安装空间 非常狭小,工作环境特别恶劣, 这就需要降低维护和润滑的需 求










我们和设备制造商一起走入农田,探讨他们所面临的挑战和所关注的问题。 通过和设备 制造商密切合作,研发针对实际问题的解决方案,以帮助您满足现代农业不断增长的需求。


设计周密且高精度的密封概念,能在各种天气条件下可靠运转 F 组合式密封结构:







针对农业机械高强度的作业环境,对轴承座采用整体加强设计,以承受持续的振动和冲 击载荷;


轴承的加工采用全自动化加工设备,并配备高精密的进口检测设备,同时对产品依照美 国的 MIL-STD 1916 抽样标准进行零缺陷控制,保证产品的安全可靠性能


针对农业机械某些工作环境特别恶劣的部位,FSB 提出免维护的设计理念





利用内六角孔可靠的锁紧结构, 通过几何锁紧效应来防止轴承内圈与 轴之间的相对旋转。


在不影响轴承的密封及 承载性能的前提下,开发 出多系列针对农业机械 受安装空间限制的轴承。



FSB 轴承在农机领域的优势

  • 1.能承受持续的振动和高冲击载荷

  • 2.设计周密且高精度的密封概念,能在各种天气条件下可靠运转

  • 3.低维护或免维护的设计,确保机器的高利用率

  • 4.易安装,可提供整体轴承单元

Agricultural Machinery Solutions

The status analysis of agricultural machinery bearings

Good sealing performance and high strength sealing structure requirements

Long-term exposure to dust, debris, muddy, rain and other environments agricultural machinery continuously vibrates for the whole operation season and bears the impact of crop straw. Pollutants invasion or grease loss caused by seal failure always leads to premature agricultural bearings failure and equipment out of work.

Easy installation and maintenance free

For example, the installation space of the peeling machine is very narrow and the working environment is very bad, which requires to reduce the need for maintenance and lubrication.

High Reliability

During the harvest season, the failure of agricultural machinery and unplanned downtime will cause huge production losses.

The seasonality of agricultural machinery

After standing idle for months, the combine harvesters start to work intensively day and night.

Clutch bearing under the impact load

The instant start and stop of clutch will cause very high impact load to the bearing and the running speed is relatively high.

Limitation of installation space

Due to the limitation of installation space, bearings for some parts have to be specially designed.

The solutions of agricultural machinery from FSB

We enter the farmland with equipment manufacturers and discuss the challenges they face and the questions they are concerned about. Through working closely with equipment manufacturers, we develop solutions towards the practical problems to meet the growth requirement of modern agriculture.

The combined sealing structure with high strength and sealing performance

The concept of designing the sealing with high accuracy and precision can operate F combined seal structure reliably under various weather conditions.

1.The frame and outer ring are rigid riveting so that the sealing will not be removed because of vibration or excessive grease injection.

2.Two layers of steel skeleton and integral sealing structure significantly improve the strength of the sealing.

3.The outer cover extends to the width direction of the sealing, which ensures the protection of the sealing lip and prevents mechanical damage.

4.The sufficient storage space between the elongating and inclined steel plates extends the bearing maintenance cycle.

5.The coaxiality of the sealing contact surface means that the sealing effect and service life have been significantly improved.

Overall enhancing design of housings

In view of the high-intensity working environment of agricultural machinery, the housings adopt the overall enhancing design to withstand continuous vibration and impact load.

Strict control of processing

Equipped with imported high precision testing equipment, the bearings are processed with full automatic processing equipment and controlled by the zero defect according to the USA MIL-STD 1916 sampling standard, which ensure the safety and reliability of the product.

Maintenance-free design

Given that some parts of agricultural machinery suffer from very bad working environment, FSB raises the design concept of maintenance free.

According to different applications of agricultural machinery, we have developed corresponding products to meet your needs.

According to different applications of agricultural machinery, we have developed corresponding products to meet your needs.

Bearings withstanding high load, high speed and high pollution.

The internal structure of the bearing is optimized and adjusted and the sealing structure adopts : The mounted ball bearing units with the unique labyrinth sealing structure of the high strength retainer plus seal and ductile iron housings can still keep high speed and smooth operation under high load and high pollution.

High Torque Bearing

We use the reliable locking structure of the hexagonal hole and prevent the relative rotation between the bearing inner ring and the shaft through the geometric locking effect.



随着人民生活水平的提高和科学技术的飞速发展,人们对衣着服饰水平追求的提升,印 染行业必须具有高效、节能、环保的特性,来满足市场需求,轴承作为印染机械重要的传动 部件,必须满足其运转的苛刻条件


印染机械运转中要求织物必须承受均匀张力,使织物平整无皱地进出机台,这就要求 芯轴上的轴承能够长期平稳运转。


在印染过程中,有时为了提高工程进度,印染机械设备需保持长时间高强度作业,非 计划停机会造成巨大的生产损失及昂贵的维修费用,轴承必须具备高可靠性。


运转过程中,要求轴承具有良好的密封性能,以免润滑脂外漏污染产品;同时需能有 效的防止染料、水汽等杂物侵入轴承内部,导致轴承过早失效,影响整个印染机械的运转


在蒸化、煮练、漂白等部位,由于染化料、潮气、蒸汽等的腐蚀性能,要求轴承具有良 好的耐腐蚀性能; 在烘焙、脱水烘干等部位,设备运转过程中局部位置高温,轴承必须能在其环境下安全 可靠运转,具有良好的耐高温性能。


通过在印染行业的经验和广泛的知识为后盾,FSB 针对您所面临的问题,结合我们的产 品提供全方位的解决方案。


轴承的内部结构进行了优化设计及严格的加工精度控制;轴承座选择优质的材料,通过 高水平的铸造工艺及专用加工设备,使轴承上不会作用异常的负荷,从而提高轴承的整体安 全可靠性能,保证轴承长期平稳运转。


针对不同使用环境,我们具有不同的密封结构,能有效的避免杂物侵入轴承内部,使印 染机械长期平稳运转;同时可以有效的防止润滑脂外漏污染产品。


针对潮湿、弱酸碱性、频繁冲洗等使用环境,轴承表面经过特殊处理,使其具有出色的 耐腐蚀性。


超过普通轴承使用温度范围的工况,我们选用合理的润滑脂、适宜的密封材料及优化的 轴承内部结构,使轴承在其温度范围内,仍能处于最佳状态运行;


FSB 拥有各种形状及规格的带座轴承,满足您最佳的设计目的,如有特殊设计需求,请 与 FSB 联系,我们能根据您的需求,快速设计并交付给您满意的产品。

Printing and Dyeing Machinery

The status analysis of printing and dyeing machinery bearing

With the improvement of the people's living standard and the rapid development of science and technology, people ask for higher requirements of dress, which requires the printing and dyeing industry to have the characteristics of high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection to meet market demand. Bearing as the key component of transmission part for printing and dyeing machinery must meet the harsh conditions of its operation.

Requirement of long-term operation

During the operation of printing and dyeing machinery, the fabric should bear uniform tension so that it can smoothly move in and out the machine without wrinkles, which requires the bearing on the core shaft to run smoothly for a long time.

High Reliability

During the process of printing and dyeing, in order to improve the progress of the project sometimes, the printing and dyeing machinery has to maintain long-term and highly intensive operation. Unplanned downtime will cause huge production losses and expensive maintenance costs, so bearings must be of high reliability.

Requirement of high sealing and low pollution

During the operation, the bearing is required to have good sealing performance so as to prevent the products from being polluted due to grease leakage; at the same time, it is necessary to effectively prevent the dyestuff, water vapor and other impurities from invading the interior of the bearing, causing premature failure of the bearing and affecting the operation of the whole printing and dyeing machinery.

Special using parts require different using performance

In the parts of steaming, scouring and bleaching, the bearings should have good corrosion resistance due to the corrosion properties of the dyeing material, moisture and steam. In the baking, dehydration, drying and other parts, the local position of the equipment is at a high temperature during operation, which requires bearings to be high temperature resistance and operate safely and reliably in this environment.

The solutions of printing and dyeing machinery from FSB

Based on the experience and extensive knowledge of the printing and dyeing industry and combined with our products, FSB provides a full range of solutions to the problems you are facing.

Optimal design of bearing structure and high level machining control

The inner structure of the bearing is optimized and the machining precision is strictly controlled. We choose high quality materials for housings and process them through high level casting technology and special processing equipment, so that the bearing will not suffer from the abnormal load, thus improving the overall safety performance of the bearing and ensuring the long-term and smooth operation.

Sealing structures for different operating conditions

We develop different sealing structures for different applications, which can effectively avoid impurities invading the inner of bearing and make the whole transmission system run smoothly for a long time; At the same time, it can effectively prevent the products getting polluted due to grease leakage.

Good High Temperature Resistance

we choose reasonable grease, suitable sealing materials and optimized inner structure of bearings so that the bearings can be still in the best condition in different temperature scale.

Good Corrosion Resistance

Due to the using environments of humid, weak acidity or basicity and frequent flushing, the bearing surface is specially treated to make it have excellent corrosion resistance.

Varied Products Structure

To meet your best design purpose, FSB owns various shapes and specifications of mounted ball bearing units. If you have special design requirements, please kindly contact with FSB and we will timely design and deliver satisfactory products to you according to your needs.


消防风机: 既是指能在 300℃高温条件下连续运行 60 分钟以上,100℃温度条件下连续 20 小时/次不损坏 的工业风机。


满足 300℃高温运转



消防风机作为消防必备设备,在遭遇突发的火灾时,起着至关重要的作用,关系着人员 的生命安全,而轴承作为消防风机的主要传动件,必须具有很高的安全可靠性能;


轴承要求更高转速,可达 3600 转每分钟;


在遭遇突发的火灾时,从高温到污染的气流,消防风机轴承在此恶劣环境下,必须具有 可靠的密封性能,以保证轴承正常运转;




这些运行条件的挑战对消防风机轴承配置方案提出了很高的性能需求;FSB 基于大量 的现场经验,已经开发了一系列针对消防风机的解决方案,并研发出 FC 系列消防风机轴承。


FC 系列轴承的内部结构进行了优化调整,采用电机轴承的生产工艺全程控制,实现消 防风机轴承安全可靠、高速平稳的运转;


针对消防风机使用工况,研发出消防风机轴承专用密封圈,具有耐高温、轻扭矩、高防 尘、防雾,不易松动的特性,并获得专利版权;


消防风机轴承采用进口高温油脂,优化的润滑通道,保证轴承在高达 300℃工作温度下 平稳运转;


消防风机轴承采用电机轴承的生产工艺全程控制,并配备高精密的进口检测设备,而且 所有轴承入库前按电机轴承要求经过 100%的噪音和振动测试;


FSB 轴承产品经几千次实体性测试及国内最权威的轴承行业洛阳轴承研究所检测轴承 寿命(每天 8 小时以上连续运转或长时间连续运转可达 400-8701021 小时以上),具有高转速、发 热低、振动低、噪音低的特点。



2.符合消防产品法规,满足公安部消防局 GA211-2009 试验要求;


4.我司已与国内多家风机知名企业达成战略合作伙伴关系,并助力其取得 3C 认证。

Fire fan solution

Fire-fighting fan: It refers to an industrial fan that can run continuously for more than 60 minutes at a high temperature of 300℃, and will not be damaged for 20 hours/time at a temperature of 100℃.

Industry requirements

Meet 300℃ high temperature operation

In the event of a sudden fire, the fire-fighting fan bearing needs to not lock up and operate stably in a high temperature environment;

High reliability

As the necessary equipment for fire fighting, the fire fan plays a vital role when encountering a sudden fire, and it is related to the life safety of personnel. As the main transmission part of the fire fan, the bearing must have high safety and reliability;

High speed

The bearing requires a higher speed, up to 3,600 revolutions per minute;

Has good dust and fog resistance

In the event of a sudden fire, from high temperature to polluted air flow, the fire fan bearing must have reliable sealing performance in this harsh environment to ensure the normal operation of the bearing;

Low noise, low vibration

It needs to meet the aerodynamic performance, noise and vibration requirements of the fire fan under high-speed operation.

Fushan Bearing's Solution for Fire Fighting Fan

The challenges of these operating conditions have put forward high performance requirements for the fire-fighting fan bearing configuration scheme; FSB has developed a series of solutions for the fire-fighting fan based on a large amount of field experience, and developed the FC series of fire-fighting fan bearings.

Optimal performance

The internal structure of FC series bearings has been optimized and adjusted, and the entire production process of motor bearings is controlled to achieve safe, reliable, high-speed and stable operation of fire-fighting fan bearings;

Unique sealing structure

According to the working conditions of the fire-fighting fan, the special sealing ring for the fire-fighting fan bearing has been developed, which has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, light torque, high dustproof, anti-fog, and not easy to loosen, and has obtained the patent copyright;

Optimal lubrication

The fire-fighting fan bearing adopts imported high-temperature grease and optimized lubrication channels to ensure smooth operation of the bearing at a working temperature of up to 300℃;

Strict control of processing

The fire-fighting fan bearing adopts the whole process control of the motor bearing production process, and is equipped with high-precision imported testing equipment, and all bearings undergo 100% noise and vibration testing according to the requirements of the motor bearing before being put into storage;

Certification authority

FSB bearing products have undergone thousands of physical tests and the most authoritative domestic bearing industry Luoyang Bearing Research Institute has tested the bearing life (more than 8 hours of continuous operation per day or long-term continuous operation up to more than 40,000 hours), with high speed, low heat, Features of low vibration and low noise.

Solution value of FSB fire fan bearing

1. Guarantee life safety;

2. Comply with fire product regulations and meet the GA211-2009 test requirements of the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security;

3. Assist the transformation and upgrading of fire fighting fans;

4. Our company has reached a strategic partnership with many well-known domestic wind turbine companies and helped them obtain 3C certification.


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